Channel 3 — February 14, 2025
Today’s featured interview:
speaking about “Guile”

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speaking about “What Walks This Way”
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speaking about “The Perils of Beginnings”
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speaking about “A Witch in the Wardrobe ”
Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2004. Shannon Dillon discovers a document in her grandfather’s attic that appears to be written by beloved author C. S. Lewis. Oddly, the binder is covered with Occult symbols. Word leaks out, and within hours, three armed bandits burst into the house to steal the documents. Things turn sour when the American intruder shoots and kills Shannon's grandfather and brother. Shannon escapes out a window as the gooms take off with the manuscript. Traumatized, she vows blood revenge. Shannon travels to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and recruits a reluctant evangelical college professor of literature to help her bring the American killer to justice. Once trained as an IRA sniper, Shannon is driven by revenge while Simon Magister drags his feet. Still, against his Christian values, Simon is drawn by scholarly curiosity and a repressed attraction to Shannon. The couple enters a dark world where two factions are willing to kill for the ‘Belfast Document.' Simon and Shannon narrowly escape death several times while others die along the way. Meanwhile, a slow-burn romance emerges between the two. The conflict involves right-wing fundamentalists who believe that Lewis's fantasy stories are occult inspired. Conversely, some big evangelical publishers want to obtain and destroy the document for financial reasons.
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speaking about “NOC Three Times: Knock-On Effect ”
"Due to censorship restrictions, a veteran of Britain’s MI6 intelligence service tells a fictionalized version of his covert action experiences" Publishers Weekly
In my days there were five classified UK Eyes Only security clearance levels. The higher you went up the secrecy ladder, the less people knew about you... I held the highest security clearance level a British intelligence officer could reach. This book, the third in the NOC Trilogy covers my last five years in the field being in charge of the 'uncammo' (not in uniform) unit of the special forces, 2003-2007, which encompassed the Iraqi War and being in the field in Afghanistan, Somalia and The Yemen, among others.
For obvious reasons I must remain anonymous. I am a British citizen and a 20-year veteran of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). I did three tours of duty, first serving in 1971-1983. I was recalled into active duty in 1992-1993 and 2003-2007, and volunteered for one more operation in 2008 after retirement. Since that time I have been granted political asylum in France, where I now reside.
The first two books are: “NOC - Non-Official Cover: British Secret Operations and NOC Twice: More UK Non-Official Cover Operations.
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speaking about “Summer of Angels”
Meteorologist and psychic, Gayle Force proves a force to be reckoned with as she moves back to her beloved Mystic Bay, California. While sleeping an angel sent her a vision in a dream of a future event. Gayle realizes she must use her intuition to save an old man from drowning. But who is this old man? With the help of intuitive attorney, Alex Kinght, she finds they are caught in the middle of a future crime.
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speaking about “Trauterose: Growing Up in Postwar Munich”
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speaking about “The Base”
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speaking about “My Story, My Song”
My Story, My Song tells the fascinating tale–sometimes sweet and sometimes not–of the eldest daughter in a family of thirteen children, nine boys and four girls, growing up in the fifties and sixties in rural Ontario. The one-room schoolhouse and the church on the hill with the huge steeple both affected the lives of all who lived in that Embro community. The memoir shows a close and caring society in the midst of a burgeoning post war economy, and the changing world that provided them all so much opportunity. Those changes wrought challenges for everyone.
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speaking about “Come and See: An Invitation to Reclaim Your Life's Balance”
Come and See is not a self-help book—just the opposite. It is an invitation to consider a solution that demands: no achievements, striving, or, performance hurdles. The book explores: a) taking charge of the regrets from your past, b) healing from emotional and spiritual disillusionment, c) the power of forgiveness—for yourself and others. This book offers you a solution to the emotional vertigo you are feeling but cannot identify. Come and See proposes a cure that is candid, somewhat uncomfortable and quite possible scary. This book does not preach, judge, or emotionally manipulate, but rather, respectfully proposes a surprising solution to women’s disequilibrium allowing grace and forgiveness to be felt again…or perhaps for the first time.