Hooker Avenue
By Jodé Millman
Hooker Avenue is set in New York’s Hudson Valley. It begins with a woman saving another severely beaten woman from drowning during a rainstorm. That’s a fairly innocent beginning, but it’s what follows that will have you on the edge of your seat. Being from opposite sides, cops and lawyers don’t usually see eye to eye, but it takes both – and several of each – to solve the mystery of who hurt this young woman of the night. One thing leads to another, and they learn of several deaths of prostitutes across the Valley. It’s sad but true that women of the streets are quite often viewed as throwaways that don’t really matter. Fortunately, the good guys (and gals) – after figuring out there’s a serial killer on the loose – begin taking these deaths seriously. There’s a lot of action in Hooker Avenue, and Millman does a fabulous job of keeping the pace going while educating the reader on police procedures, what’s ethical, borderline, and crossing into unethical territory. I loved this book – it’s not an easy read, but anything worthwhile shouldn’t be easy. I highly recommend Hooker Avenue to anyone interested in a spellbinding and thrilling read.