Land of the Dragon” by Steffanie M.A. Costigan is a riveting story that contains the best of both worlds. The story starts as historical fiction set during World War II and then shifts to a complete fantasy story as the main character and her siblings are transported to an alternate world filled with dragons, werewolves, and unicorns. Of course, regardless of the world they are in, the characters have to face a leader who is ambitious and wants to rule their world.
“Land of the Dragon” is the story of Eleanor Kuhn and her family. Eleanor, who is the oldest of the Kuhn children, lives in Germany with her family during the time of World War II and Hitler rising in power. This family’s life is turned completely upside down when her father is assassinated while aiding the Jewish people and her mother is tortured. Then Eleanor’s brother is drafted. As the family panics, Eleanor’s mother puts the siblings on a ship to get them out of the country and, therefore keep her children safe and her son from having to fight.
Unfortunately, the best plans never work. As the ship is destroyed, Eleanor and the others wash up on an island that ends up being an alternate world filled with magic and mythical creatures. While this new world, the “Land of the Dragon” is terrifying even as it is beautiful, Eleanor feels that there is something very familiar about it. Apparently, it does not matter what world you are in there is still war, power, corruption, and fear. As Eleanor attempts to keep everyone safe and find a way off the island and back home, the reader is treated to a thrilling ride that they will not soon forget.
“Land of the Dragon” is a very well-written book that combines the genres of history, science fiction, and fantasy together into a mesmerizing plot that readers will love. While there are numerous unexpected twists and turns throughout the book, it all comes down to one central theme… power corrupts and people can always be turned to violence as a way to keep control. The plot of this book is extremely creative and woven together in a fantastic way.
Land of the Dragon
Historical Fiction
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