This book is a road map on how to handle challenging situations that arise in our lives. There are also prayers that you can read and say over these situations that will inspire you, bring you peace and bless your life incredibly.
As a Christian we should desire and crave wisdom more than anything as a directive in our daily lives. Desiring and asking God for wisdom daily will please God immensely. This alone will have him rain down showers of blessings on our lives.
This book will provide you with a plethora of motivational and inspirational quotes from some of the greatest people that ever lived. Some have traveled through their journey of life and many others still are and they have gifted us with some of the greatest thoughts, examples, and testimonies for life ever.
The greatest book ever created the Bible is also referenced with some thought-provoking guides on how we should carry ourselves and live our lives. We are constantly in thought like the statue “The Thinker” about what we should do with our lives, how to live our lives, and the choices that we make are critical because they will determine our destiny. This is not something that we just want to flip a coin and see if it comes down heads or tails. We need to be grateful for the life God gave us and live it to his glory.