Channel 7 — February 14, 2025
Today’s featured interview:
speaking about “The Guardian Temple: Demonic Dealings”

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speaking about “"He Wouldn't Let Me Die!"”
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speaking about “Einstein's Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure”
Einstein’s Compass by Grace Blair is a “YA Time Traveler Adventure.” Historical fantasy science fiction. The book intertwines events in Albert Einstein’s life with fantastical elements while including scientific concepts. Topics that emerge include coming of age, antisemitism, and bullying. Most of us are familiar with Einstein’s legacy as a scientific genius and a giant of physics. But where did his ideas originate? How can one person be so brilliant? Imagine he has been reborn into the modern world after living the life of a spiritual leader in ancient Atlantis, where science and the divine made sense. Einstein’s Compass centers on Albert, his friend Johann, a classmate named Werner Von Weisel, and two villains named Raka and Countess Victoria von Baden. As a young boy, Albert’s father gave him a jeweled compass. We later learn the compass originally belonged to Countess von Baden’s family. It has magical qualities which only Albert and Johann are aware of. Raka, Albert’s twin brother thousands of years ago, has always been jealous of Albert and wishes him harm. Raka learns the compass contains a powerful stone called the Shamir stone, and he uses Werner and the Countess to exact revenge and take the compass for himself. The book includes “Mystical Travelers” famous biblical and scientific persons like Moses, Jesus, and Newton, who guide Albert along the path to rediscovering his forgotten knowledge destined to affect the word. Einstein’s Compass is a fascinating blend of the factual and the fantastical with enough of the metaphysical to leave readers wondering what is possible and what is reality. Imagine that a Wrinkle in Time meets The Chronicles of Narnia with a little Harry Potter thrown into the mix. “The more I learn of physics, the more I am drawn to metaphysics.” – Albert Einstein It is part science, part science fiction, part fantasy, part thriller, and all fun for young adults on up.
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speaking about “It's Not That Simple: Helping Families Navigate the Alzheimer's Journey”
If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s, be prepared for anything — it can be a shocking disease. Pam Ostrowski’s guidebook, It’s Not That Simple, walks you through what can happen and prepares you for the challenges you may face. Seemingly small tasks, such as who’s going to attend doctor's appointments or who will bathe them, become overwhelming without proper planning and support. This approximately 3-hour read provides practical tips, coping tools for caring for those with Alzheimer’s, and conversation starters for those difficult talks you may have with your loved one and family members. This knowledge allows you to anticipate and prepare for the future and reduces frustration, burnout, and compassion fatigue. Being a caregiver can be a transformational experience. This book provides a way to look at this journey a bit differently, not as a list of challenges, but as a way to expand your heart and transform the way you treat others. It provides examples on how to embrace the best mindset for dealing with this long-term disease. Your support role and responsibilities over these years are critical to all concerned. This book will help you make the best legal, logistical, medical, and emotional decisions. Learn how to communicate with Alzheimer’s sufferers, handle disagreements so they result in positive outcomes, and understand the stages and behaviors of Alzheimer’s disease. The more knowledge you have, the easier it will be to care for your loved one and offer support to everyone involved.Join Pam as she walks through her personal journey with her mother who suffered from Alzheimer’s, sharing the lessons she learned that expanded her heart and allowed her to embrace the value of compassion, empathy, and dignity over her 14-year experience.
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Walker, Ph.D.
speaking about “Choosing Ourselves: Love and Advocacy in Overcoming a Birth Defect and the American Medical System”
In June 1970, my life was working as I’d hoped. At twenty-six, when my son Jim was born with a severe cleft lip and palate, my world turned upside down. Doctors took charge of my son’s medical needs. I felt side-lined, pressured to cope silently and without support. I recoiled when I saw my ten-day-old infant’s battered face after the first surgery. Feedings were traumatic, and I feared Jim would fail to thrive. Emotions I’d never felt before – disappointment, guilt, helplessness, self-loathing, resentment -- overwhelmed me. I shrank from the inevitable stares and insensitive comments. I worried that I had caused Jim’s cleft. My husband was consumed by medical training, so I was on my own for Jim’s medical appointments and hospitalizations. A surgeon dismissed my concerns and efforts. I yearned to be the mother my son needed but could not imagine ever being a positive force in his life. My husband and an insightful pediatrician helped pull me out of this downward emotional spiral and I was able to see the ways I was becoming a competent caregiver. I lost ground when a pediatrician, upset at Jim’s noncompliance, told me I was failing to discipline Jim adequately. Then, I was sure I’d lost Jim’s trust forever when he was four. Without pre-surgical counsel, I had not known to prepare him for how bruised and swollen his face would be immediately after surgery to revise a distorted lip scar. Gradually, I began to advocate for more support to help us weather stressful and often painful experiences. It was a momentous day when I insisted, despite a doctor’s resistance, on a referral for counseling to help Jim deal with depression...
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speaking about “Fury in Her Eyes”
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Dansbury, Sr.
speaking about “The Strength of Courage”
A young African-American soldier nearly meets his fate honoring his country in World War II and the Korean War. Suffering physical and psychological injury, he is finally, after decades able to recount the harrowing and traumatic events that took place during those years. The strength of his faith, and love for his family and country kept him alive to return home, get married and raise a family. The main character Sgt. David Henry had to fight the enemy in the field while fighting racism and prejudice from the U. S. armed forces and the American public. The book is historical fiction and partially based on accounts provided to the author by veterans of World War II and the Korean War.
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speaking about “Memories of MK-ULTRA”
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speaking about “True Teryn”
Lilla must recruit the biggest and most dangerous army in the Seven Galaxies, but the Teryn emperor will not comply unless Lilla earns the blessing of the Teryn Guardian Goddess Laoise. Dealing with gods is never easy. Guardian Goddess Laoise’s condition for bestowing her blessing is for Lilla to bring her the mysterious Heart Amulet. Now Lilla is trapped in a strange place with no way out, no idea where to go or how to find the amulet. The only way for Lilla to complete her mission is to uncover the biggest secret of all Teryns. Will she survive discovering the secret of what it means to be a True Teryn?
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Carter, PhD
speaking about “Gaining A.C.C.E.S.S. to Lead Others: 14 Activities critical to continuous evolution & success for self”
Being a leader is a scary thought. You are responsible for individuals who are not related to you and whom you cannot control 100%. This group of people does not look like you, think like you, talk like you, or have the same interests as you. These people may not even like you. Yet, somehow, you have to get them to follow you. Most of these same statements hold true for your role when you are being led. There is someone responsible for leading you. You cannot control, speak, or even think like that person. How can we effectively survive to do and be our best every day?
In this second book of the LEAP Series, Dr. Elizabeth A. Carter once again provides you access to information based on situations that have impacted her life. Gaining A.C.C.E.S.S. to Lead Others: 14 Activities Critical to Continuous Evolution & Success for Self shines a spotlight on the three elements that have helped, hindered, and heightened her journey in leadership: chemistry, confidence, and communication. Including motivational quotes from pioneers such as John Quincy Adams, Oscar Wilde, Plato, and Helen Keller, Dr. Carter expands her use of alliterations and acronyms to entertain and educate her readers with topics and phrases such as•First impressions: “First Flush Final”—Don’t expect the hand you were dealt to change.•Overcoming obstacles: “No Not Never”—Response is temporary, not permanent.•Working with others: “Sometimes, you must DUMB it down” (Decode for Understanding and Maximizing Buy-in).•Leading volunteers: Accountability measures needed if “there is not a process of a review, raise, or reprimand.”
At the end of each section, there are reflection questions, and the last chapter helps you decide what actions you will take next. Get “access-smart” and let chemistry, confidence, and communication increase your effectiveness when leading others and being led.